Notice of Liability
The names, brands and corporate wineries referred to on this site are the property of their respective owners.
This website contains links to websites operated by third parties. Despite careful monitoring of content, no liability is assumed for the content of linked websites. All responsibility and liability for web content and design lies exclusively with the respective operators.
Data Protection
In accordance with art. 13 of legislative decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, and its subsequent amendments and additions, we hereby inform you that all data that you provide to us via our website or by other means (fax, e-mail, mail) is collected and stored. We guarantee within the context of legal guidelines that the processing of personal data takes into consideration the basic rights and freedoms and dignity of the person concerned, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.
Personal data processed by us will not be redistributed.
The Privacy Act gives the person concerned, in accordance with art. 7 the right to confirm their data and to check, correct and supplement it, or to request that data be deleted, blocked and converted into anonymous data, if said processing violates legal regulations. They also have the right to oppose for legitimate reasons, wholly or in part, the processing of their data, as well as its cancellation or revocation, or to request its conversion into anonymous data if, without justifiable reason, the data is used for purposes of commercial information, sending of advertising material, direct sales, market and opinion research.
Data controller:
Vereinigung der Eisacktaler Weinproduzenten
Coste 50
I-39043 Chiusa
South Tyrol/Italy
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